Poster Session

Young scientists and clinical researchers are welcome to exhibit a poster for the event, in order to share their findings with other researchers. Posters should highlight research results of current projects dealing with the conference topics.

Selected posters will be briefly introduced as a flash talk by the presenter, serving as a teaser for the poster session.


Guidelines for submission of abstracts

The poster abstract / poster should contain the following aspects:

  • Title of scientific work/project
  • Name and email-contact of presenting author
  • Authors and affiliations
  • Title of BMBF research network (if applicable)
  • Structure of the abstract:
    • Background
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • Abstract length: limited to 2.500 characters (including spaces), approx. 300 words (excluding title, authors & affiliation and additional project information)
  • Project Funding (if applicable): funding institution, title and duration
  • Language: English
  • Poster size: A1 or A0
  • submission deadline: tbd
  • submission (using the form below) to:

 Abstract submission form (2023) 


Coordinating office of the German research networks on rare diseases
Friedrich-Baur-Institute, Department of Neurology
LMU Klinikum
Prof. Dr. Thomas Klopstock
Ziemssenstraße 1a
80336 Munich

Further Information:
Katja Franke-Rupp
Dr. Corinna Schultheis

Phone: 0049(0)89 4400 57063 / 57064
