Conference Venue
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing
The meeting will take place at Evangelische Akademie Tutzing.
Embedded in the beautiful surroundings of Lake Starnberg and with a panoramic view of the Bavarian Alps, this place is highly inspiring and perfectly suited for a scientific congress.

How to reach the venue
By public transport (train and S-Bahn):
From Munich central station, take interurban train S6 (sublevel) to final stop Tutzing; alternatively, take regional train in the direction of Garmisch or Kochel. Timetables for interurban trains (S-Bahn) or regional trains: Walk from Tutzing train station to the Akademie: 10 minutes.
From Munich international airport take interurban train S1 or S8 to Munich center and than the S6 or a regional train as well.
By car:
Get on the Autobahn A 95 in Munich and travel in direction of Garmisch until the Starnberg turnoff, then follow B2 to Traubing and take the left turnoff towards Tutzing. The Akademie has got a limited number of parking spaces. Hence we recommend using public transportation.
Coordinating office of the German research networks on rare diseases
Friedrich-Baur-Institute, Department of Neurology
LMU Klinikum
Prof. Dr. Thomas Klopstock
Ziemssenstraße 1a
80336 Munich
Further Information:
Katja Franke-Rupp
Dr. Corinna Schultheis
Phone: 0049(0)89 4400 57063 / 57064