The Translational Science of Rare Diseases
From Rare to Care IV
Research on Rare Diseases is of critical relevance to 300 million people affected worldwide by more than 8.000 rare disease entities. Additionally, it may open new horizons to understand fundamental pathomechanisms and to develop new therapies for common disorders. This symposium focuses on cutting-edge insights from basic and clinical science and their translation into the development of novel therapeutic strategies for rare diseases. The Research for Rare Consortium, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is proud to share innovative and exciting results and hopes to increase enthusiasm for rare diseases research.
The symposium was organised from 3 – 5 May 2023 by the Coordinating office of the German research networks on rare diseases, based in Munich, Friedrich Baur Institute at the Department of Neurology, LMU Klinikum, LMU Munich.
(picture: 4designerart/ Bearbeitung: Research4Rare)
22 – 24 April 2026
Next Symposium: 22 -24 April 2026
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing
Schlossstraße 2+4, D-82327 Tutzing
Participation free of charge
– registration will open later –
Scientific Advisory Board
Coordinators of the BMBF research networks on rare diseases (2023)
The Conference Venue
The meeting will take place at Evangelische Akademie Tutzing.
Embedded in the beautiful surroundings of Lake Starnberg and with a panoramic view of the Bavarian Alps this place is highly inspiring and perfectly suited for a scientific congress.
Speakers - From Rare to Care IV (2023)
Internationally renowned speakers presented their latest scientific findings on the wide range of rare diseases.
Coordinating office of the German research networks on rare diseases
Friedrich-Baur-Institute, Department of Neurology
LMU Klinikum
Prof. Dr. Thomas Klopstock
Ziemssenstraße 1a
80336 Munich
Further Information:
Katja Franke-Rupp
Dr. Corinna Schultheis
Phone: 0049(0)89 4400 57063 / 57064